For this element, I used the PapaParser library to read data from a CSV. This library is a CSV parser library that allows in-browser
parsing of CSV files. The quiz questions and answer choices are stored in this CSV. Storing the quiz in a CSV was used so that the right answer
would not be visible by inspecting the HTML or JavaScipt, and so that editing of the quiz questions and/or answers would be extremely easy.
The way this is written, I can add, change, or delete items from the CSV, and the quiz would automatically adapt to those changes. This file can
be read, however, by going to its direct URL.
I used JavaScript's object-oriented nature to create Question and Quiz objects to store the quiz data from the CSV file. I shuffled
the answers around when they are inserted into the HTML so that the quiz has a more dynamic element to it. This is done using the Fisher-Yates
shuffle algorithm, which is a randomization algorithm designed so that there is an equal chance for each permutation of the array to exist.